this is my memory. this show was also when i realized i shouldn't be in the middle of a pit with my grandfather's canon camera. oops.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
poster 21 traitors v.s. a pack of angry riot grrrls
told by Francisco of the traitors.
i was at this show too. it was the traitors, murder city devils and the peechees. all the riot grrrls were there to see molly, from bratmobile, play drums for the peechees. the traitors were their usual obnoxious sassy selves but the riot grrrls didn't get the joke and ended up trying to beat up billy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
poster 22- wesley willis takes a dump
told to me by Francisco
"When I was working at the fireside. Wesley Willis was going to play that night so he was there early before the doors opened, soundcheck and shit.
I was bartending that night and I was setting everything up. When I went into the bathroom. Hell on earth appeared. I got to see Wesley wiping his ass. Paper in one hand, Diet Pepsi in the other."
poster 20- music & energy & life
said by paul from chicago's finest, sweater weather
The fireside was one of my favorite places in Chicago. Sure, we bitched about it, the crappy stage, the asymmetrical sound, the myriad mediocre bands. But, as you know, it pumped new music and new musical life and energy into Chicago just about every damn night of every damn week for years. When kids today talk to me about how they like indie rock and read pitchfork, I sound like a freaking grandpa when I try to explain how out of your way you had to go in the 90s to find people doing their own thing for the sake of the thing itself. The fireside gave us all a place to do it.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
poster 19 bad idea scott action
told to me by joe from sidekick kato
the longest poster so far, almost ran out of A's
Saturday, March 15, 2008
poster 17 dillinger 4 & arrivals 2002

march 14, originally uploaded by rebecca ann rakstad.
Living in Milwaukee, I only got to go the Fireside a few times. The best show I ever saw there was The Dillinger 4 and The Arrivals (ironic that now Paddy is in both bands) in the spring of 2002. I was going to the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh at the time, so we drove all the way down to see D4 cause we had been spinning ‘Situationist Comedy’ on the Oshkosh radio station all semester. I just remember it being of the rowdiest most fun crowds I've ever been a part of. I think I only knew the words to like one D4 song at the time, so when they played it I went nuts, and the rest of the time I was going just as nuts...and then a giant drunk, sweaty, naked man landed on me while crowd surfing. It was great!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
poster 16- history
My first show at the Fireside…
It was the summer before my freshman year in high school, so that would make it summer of 2000. I was 13 years old. I was taking classes at the Art Institute, and I met this guy Andrew who had a Lawrence Arms patch on his bag. He told me he was going to see them at the Fireside Bowl and that I should meet him there. I don’t think he knew I was only 13. I lied to my parents about who I was going with, and took the red line to Fullerton and then took the bus there. When I walked through the bar to get to the show, a guy with a big neck tattoo offered to buy me a beer. He didn't know I was 13 either. There was a guy there who I would later become great friends with who ran a mailing list, I can't remember the name of it though. His name is Bobby, and he went by the moniker JimBobLove. He was really into the fireside and promoting shows there and hanging out with people. I later became his stand-in for the mailing list, taking down people's email addresses to send them the weekly local show list. It was so hot and sweaty inside but nobody cared at all. I remember going to the bathroom and seeing a purple condom in the toilet. Why anyone would have sex in that bathroom is completely beyond me. The show was great, but I never saw or heard from Andrew again.
I get kind of mad when I go by the fireside and it is still there. I wish it was gone, or still as awesome as it used to be.
I was at a Dillinger Escape Plan show where they tore down ceiling panels. I felt like I witnessed history. I felt like every show at the fireside I was witnessing history. And I think I did.
poster 15 shellac 98
new years day show 10am
i opted for sleep that morning! but i've heard it was an amazing show.